Specialists in Engineering Metrology




Contisure - Ball Bar



Contisure for Windowsis the product of over fifteen years of development and engineering experience of ball bar testing. The patented Contisure link and software enables rapid assessment of contouring to ISO-230 Part 4, which is widely regarded as a vital method to periodically monitor the condition of CNC machine tools.


Illustration of the Contisure Ball Bar, being used for measurement and assessment of circular contouring on a machine tool.


The latest Contisure link enables large scan angle tests to be conducted over three orthogonal planes from a single set-up. On a vertical spindle machining centre a 360° scan can be achieved in the plane of the table and two 270° scans in the vertical planes. Software developments have increased the users ability to obtain the information, with a breakdown of the basic machine errors, comparison and variable data smoothing. Online help is supplied to assist operation of the system and give more information when required. Combined with easy to use Windows software makes Contisure the metrologists’ choice.


Contisure - Ball Bar Brochure

C. D. Measurements Ltd., Chomlea House, Hadfield Road, Hadfield, Glossop, SK13 2ER, U.K.

Tel. 01457 852929

Email : sales@cdmeasurements.com

All Trade Marks Acknowledged